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Fine-tune Hugging Face LLMs with Determined AI and DeepSpeed

Train or fine-tune a large language model from Hugging Face on CoreWeave Cloud

Hugging Face is home to many open-source datasets and machine learning models, along with Python libraries that allow quick and easy use of these powerful models.

DeepSpeed is an open-source deep learning library for PyTorch optimized for low latency and high throughput training, designed to reduce the compute power and memory required for training large distributed models.

The following example deploys Determined AI onto CoreWeave Cloud in order to perform distributed training of the OPT-125m model.

Tutorial source code

The code referenced throughout the rest of this tutorial can be found under the examples/deepspeed/huggingface folder in the coreweave/determined_coreweave repository.

Make sure to use the coreweave branch of the repository.


This guide assumes that the following are completed in advance.

The values used for this demo's shared filesystem volume are as follows:

Field NameDemo Value
Volume Namefinetune-opt-125m
Disk ClassHDD
Storage TypeShared Filesystem
Size (Gi)1,000

If needed, it is easy to increase the size of a storage volume later.

Attach the filesystem volume

When installing Determined AI, ensure that the newly-created filesystem volume for this demo is attached. From the bottom of the application configuration screen, click + to attach the finetune-opt-125m volume.

The attachment configuration screen for the Determined AI application

As shown above, for this tutorial we are attaching the finetune-opt-125m volume on the mount path /mnt/finetune-opt-125m.

Prepare the Dataset

Hugging Face has many datasets available for training machine learning models. Since this example is finetuning OPT-125m, a language model, it will use the wikitext dataset. This dataset contains text extracted from the set of verified Good and Feature articles on Wikipedia.


The rest of the tutorial will reference files in the examples/deepspeed/huggingface folder in the coreweave/determined_coreweave repository.

The script will preprocess the dataset so it is ready to be used with fine-tuning. There are two important transformations that the script performs:

  1. Tokenizes the data
  2. Generate chunks of a configurable max length

Upload the Script

For Determined AI to be able to run the preprocessing script, it needs access to it. It also needs to install the python requirements. To achieve this, upload the and requirements.txt files to the PVC that is mounted the Determined deployment.

An easy way to do this is by using the FileBrowser UI that was previously installed. To access the UI, you can find the link in the CoreWeave Cloud Applications UI.


The original username and password for the FileBrowser UI are both admin. Make sure to update these after logging in for the first time.

FileBrowser UI for the mounted PVC after the required files have been uploaded.

Set up the Determined CLI

In order to run the script using Determined, first make sure that the Determined CLI (det)is installed.

To install the det command, install the determined Python package. As it is listed in the requirements.txt file, it can be installed using:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Next, set the DET_MASTER environment variable to the cluster link; this can be obtained from the post-installation notes shown when the Determined AI application deployment finishes in the CoreWeave Cloud UI. If you need to access these notes, navigate to the Applications page, select the Determined AI application, and look for the line that begins To access the WebUI, please visit:. The link will be displayed there.


Run the Script

The script accepts a number of different arguments. To see them all, run python --help.

Note that the original dataset is cached and the processed dataset is stored on the mounted PVC. This means that the data will persist there after the command is finished running and future trials can all access it simultaneously.


If you would like to use a smaller dataset to get through this example quicker, you can change the --dataset_config_name value to wikitext-2-raw-v1.

Run the follow command to preprocess the wikitext dataset:

det cmd run 'pip install -r /mnt/finetune-opt-125m/requirements.txt; \
python /mnt/finetune-opt-125m/ \
--dataset_name wikitext \
--dataset_config_name wikitext-103-raw-v1 \
--processed_dataset_destination /mnt/finetune-opt-125m/wikitext/processed \
--tokenizer_name facebook/opt-125m \
--dataset_cache_dir /mnt/finetune-opt-125m/wikitext'

The logs from the script will be output to your terminal window, but you can also view them from the Determined UI under the Tasks page.

Prepare Dataset Task running in Determined AI

Once the task is complete you should see the processed dataset files in the PVC via the FileBrowser.

The processed WikiText dataset files shown in the FileBrowser UI.

Prepare for Training

Now that the dataset is processed, get ready to finetune OPT-125m!

Build the Docker image

Determined AI publishes public Docker containers, which can be used when running experiments. For example, there is a Determined AI image that comes configured with PyTorch, Cuda, and DeepSpeed. However, that image does not have the model_hub package - so we need to make a custom image that has everything we need included.


The default Docker tag is latest. Using this tag is strongly discouraged, as containers are cached on the nodes and in other parts of the CoreWeave stack. Always use a unique tag, and never push to the same tag twice. Once you have pushed to a tag, do not push to that tag again.

In the following example, simple versioning is used, in which the tag 1 denotes the first iteration of the image, and so on.


When running the following commands, be sure to replace the example username with your Docker Hub username.

To build the custom image defined in the Dockerfile, run the following commands:

docker login
export DOCKER_USER=<your dockerhub username>
docker build -t $DOCKER_USER/hf_deepspeed_det:1 .
docker push $DOCKER_USER/hf_deepspeed_det:1

This example assumes a public Docker registry. To use a private registry, an imagePullSecret must be defined.

The DeepSpeed config

The DeepSpeed configuration file used for the experiments in this example is defined by the ds_config.json file.

One important value to make note of is the ZeRO Optimization stage set to 1. This means that not only will data parallelism split the batches across numerous instances of the model across different GPUs, but the optimizer will be partitioned to further increase efficiency.

In total, there are three stages, each of which adds another level of parallelization:

Stage 1The optimizer state is partitioned across all devices
Stage 2The gradients are partitioned across all devices
Stage 3The model weights are partitioned across all devices
Graph from the <a href="">ZeRO paper</a> showing the memory efficiency from different optimization stages.

The experiment config

Determined AI experiments can be defined in YAML files. The two included in this example are:

  • opt125m_single.yml
  • opt125m_search.yml

There are a number of different sections that define a Determined AI experiment. Those important to this tutorial are explained below.


For an in-depth explanation on Determined AI's experiment config, visit their Experiment Configuration Reference page.


One big value add for Determined AI's platform is how it can manage entire experiments, not just single runs. Every experiment can have one or many trials. Each trial trains their own instance of the model and a set of hyperparameters. The searcher section defines how the experiment will set up and run all of its trials.

Two different kinds of searchers will be used in this tutorial: single and adaptive_asha. Further explanations of each will be offered as the experiment is run.


The hyperparameters that are used in these experiments are described below.

pretrained_model_name_or_pathName of the Hugging Face model that will be used.
cache_dirPath to the location where the model will be cached. Important: Use a PVC here, so every trial won't re-download the model
use_pretrained_weightsDetermines whether to train the model from scratch or to use the published, pretrained weights
model_modeUsed by model_hub when loading the necessary components
deepspeed_config_fileName of the DeepSpeed JSON config file
overwrite_deepspeed_argsValues that will override the matching values in the DeepSpeed config - useful when doing hyperparameter searches on DeepSpeed values

All of the values used for these variables are selected based on choosing to finetune OPT-125M. However, you'll see in the experiment YAML files that in this demo, we are overriding the default DeepSpeed value for train_micro_batch_size_per_gpu. This value should be tuned based on the choice of your model, the kind of data being used, and the GPU that will be used.

train_micro_batch_size_per_gpu is the number of samples that will be given to each GPU during training. The full batch size can be calculated by train_micor_batch_size_per_gpu * num_gpus. A value set too low will underutilize the GPUs, but a value set too high will use too much memory. A value of 16 will make good use of the A40s used in this example without using too much memory.


Determined AI has their own Introduction to Distributed Training page that will give you a further explanation of their system.

Run fine-tuning experiments

Everything is now ready for training! In these next steps, two fine-tuning experiments will be run on Determined, then inspected via the Web UI.

Single trial experiment

The first experiment will run one trial with specific hyperparameters using a single searcher. This experiment is defined in the opt125m_single.yml file.


Update the environment section of opt125m_single.yml to point to the Docker image that was just built:

gpu: <your dockerhub username>/hf_deepspeed_det:1

To create the experiment, run the following command:

det experiment create opt125m_single.yml .

Grid search experiment

The second experiment will run multiple trials while performing a grid search over the train_micro_batch_size_per_gpu. It is defined in the opt125m_search.yml file.


Updated the environment section of opt125m_search.yml to point to the Docker image that was just built:

gpu: <your dockerhub username>/hf_deepspeed_det:1

Instead of defining train_micro_batch_size_per_gpu to be a single value as in the previous experiment, it is now defined as a categorical, with four different possible values. Defining the value in this way tells the grid searcher to create trials with each of these possible values.

To create the experiment, run the following command:

det experiment create opt125m_search.yml .

This experiment searches over only one parameter, but you can easily expend this to search over many parameters at once. See Determined's Hyperparameter and Searcher documentation for more information.

The Determined experiment Web UI

Find the running experiments in the "Uncategorized" section of Determined's Web UI.

Active experiments in Determined's Web UI

Single trial overview

The trial overview shows a lot of important info in one tab. You can see a graph of the trial's performance over time, along with a chart of the raw number visible in the graph.

Overview tab for a Running Trial in the Determined Web UI


All checkpoints may be seen in the Overview tab, but each checkpoint is also given its own tab.

Checkpoints tab in the Determined Web UI

Viewing a specific checkpoint's information will show you additional information like the file sizes and location of the checkpoint.

Checkpoint Information Panel

Using the location from the Web UI, you can also find and download the checkpoint via the s3cmd:


# List all checkpoints
s3cmd ls s3://$BUCKET_NAME

# Download a specific checkpoint
s3cmd get -r s3://$BUCKET_NAME/2923ac08-0f11-4391-945e-6de03e424a61/


The profiler was enabled in both of the experiments that were created, but this is not the case by default. When the profiler is enabled, Determined will automatically track a number of system metrics.

Profiler Tab for a Running Experiment in Determined's Web UI

For the grid search experiment, it is important to compare the throughput metrics, GPU free memory, and GPU utilization across the different micro batch size. Notice that the higher micro batch sizes use more of the GPUs memory getting higher utilization and samples per second.


The values used for the trial may be viewed in the hyperparameter tab. This tab is more important when performing hyperparameter searches and you want to know the specific values for that trial compared to the others.

Hyperparameter Tab for a Trial in Determined's Web UI

Experiment with Multiple Trials Overview

From the overview of an experiment that is running multiple trials, you can track the progress of all trials.

Experiment Overview with Multiple Trials


You can see more information about each specific trial in the Trials tab. Each individual trial may also be inspected from here by clicking into them.

Trials Tab in the Determined Web UI

The trial corresponding to the micro batch size of 16 (trial 5 in the above screenshot) finished much faster than the other trials. This is expected, because the GPUs were able to process the data in a more parallelized fashion.