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Using Storage - Cloud UI

Manage Storage Volumes using the CoreWeave Cloud UI

The CoreWeave Cloud UI provides an easy-to-use storage configuration page. To access it, first log in to your CoreWeave Cloud account. Then, from the left-hand menu, navigate to Storage Volumes. To create a new Storage Volume, click the New Volume button in the upper right-hand corner or center of the page.

The Storage Volumes management page

For information on creating ephemeral storage disks for Virtual Servers, see: Virtual Servers > Configuration Options > Storage.

Create a new Storage Volume

Volume name

The volume name will be used to refer to and identify the Storage Volume across the Cloud platform. If the new volume is being used for a specific application, it is recommended to create a name that clearly identifies it for that use for the sake of easy association.


The namespace field will be prepopulated with your current tenant namespace name. This cannot be changed from this modal.


The region field specifies in which data center region you'd like the new storage volume to be hosted.


Workloads must run in the same data center region as the storage block they are accessing. The affinity can be used to explicitly schedule workloads to schedule to a selected region. If cross-regional storage is required, use Object Storage instead.

Disk class

Once a region has been selected, a disk class may be chosen. There are two disk storage classes from which to choose, NVMe and HDD.

Additional Resources

For more information on these disk classes, refer to the Storage section.

Storage type

The storage type field determines whether the new storage volume will be a shared filesystem or a block storage device.

Additional Resources

For more information on these disk classes, refer to the "Volume types" portion of the Storage section.


The desired size of the disk is specified in Gi. The maximum allotable size for a single storage volume is 30720Gi.


While optional, if it is desired to schedule specific workloads onto certain storage volumes, labels can be very helpful. Kubernetes affinities may be used to select these labels for scheduling workloads appropriately. See the Custom Container guide for examples.

View and edit Storage Volumes

Navigate to Storage to view a list of all available storage volumes. To see more details about a volume, click to expand the volume's detail window.

The detailed view of the storage volume will include its age, its size, how much of it is being used, as well as some important metadata such as all labels associated with the drive, the cost it is currently incurring, its creation date, and its access modes. The volume may also be edited, cloned to create an exact copy of it, or completely deleted from this menu.

Edit the volume to add or remove labels or to expand the volume's capacity.


Shared File System Volumes are resized online, without disruption to workloads.

Resizing Block Volumes requires stopping or restarting all workloads that are attached the Volume in order for the resize to take effect.

Attach a Storage Volume using the Cloud UI


Storage Volumes must be created and provisioned before they can be attached to a Pod or Virtual Server.

When creating a Virtual Server, the option to attach a volume is found under the Attach Volumes section of the Virtual Server creation screen.

To attach a filesystem or block volume, locate the volume in the list provided under the Available volume column. To attach it, click the toggle until it is in the "on" position and says "Attached."

The storage block volume information will be reflected in the YAML editor under the .filesystems block.

An example of a mounted filesystem volume reflected

Example in plain text:

- name: test-docker-registry
claimName: test-docker-registry
mountPoint: /mnt/