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Exporting with Jupyter

Exporting GPT-2 Model with Jupyter


This example leverages a Deployment to always maintain one instances of Tensorflow with Jupyter. Each instance, in Kubernetes terminology called a Pod is allocated one GPU.

The Kubenetes Control-Plane in the CoreWeave Cloud will ensure that there are one instance (Pods) of Tensorflow Jupyter running at all times. The Control-Plane will reserve GPU, CPU and RAM on CoreWeaves compute nodes. Pods in the same deployment can be scheduled on the same or multiple physical nodes, depending on resource availability. If co-location of Pods is required for some reason, ie. shared ephemeral or block storage, this can be controlled with affinity rules.

The example Deployment does showcase some node affinity rules. These select a mid range GPU (8, 10 or 11GB of VRAM) which is useful when working with smaller models in Jupyter.


A Service is included to show how to publish a Deployment to the public Internet. The Service publishes the web interface of Jupyter to the Internet on port 8888.

Persistent Storage

A Persistent Volume is allocated to persist user uploaded Notebooks and a ReadWriteMany type storage is used to write the model to a network filesystem that can be accessed by multiple containers at teh same time. The allocation is done via a Persistent Volume Claim requesting the storage size and backing storage type (SSD, HDD). This volume claim is then mounted to the /tf/notebooks directory in the Pod definition. Utilizing a persistent volume ensures that files persist even if the node currently running the Pod fails.

Getting Started

After installing kubectl and adding your CoreWeave Cloud access credentials, the following steps will deploy the Ethminer Deployment and service.

Apply the resources. This can be used to both create and update existing manifests.

 $ kubectl apply -f model-storage-pvc.yaml
persistentvolumeclaim/model-storage created
$ kubectl apply -f jupyter-pvc.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f tensorflow-deployment.yaml
deployment.apps/tensorflow-jupyter configured
$ kubectl apply -f tensorflow-service.yaml
service/tensorflow-jupyter configured

List pods to see the Deployment working to instantiate all our requested instances.

 $ kubectl get pods
tensorflow-jupyter-6794bcb465-4czqb 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 2s

After a little while, all pods should transition to the Running state.

$ kubectl get pods
tensorflow-jupyter-6794bcb465-4czqb 1/1 Running 0 6s

The Deployment will also show that all desired Pods are up and running.

 $ kubectl get deployment
tensorflow-jupyter 1/1 1 1 73m

Describing a Pod will help troubleshoot a Pod that does not want to start and gives other relevant information about the Pod.

     $ kubectl describe pod tensorflow-jupyter-6794bcb465-4czqb
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Scheduled 54s default-scheduler Successfully assigned tenant-test/tensorflow-jupyter-6794bcb465-4czqb to g04c225
Normal SuccessfulAttachVolume 54s attachdetach-controller AttachVolume.Attach succeeded for volume "pvc-66fa0887-a4c4-4245-a4e2-02200f640fea"
Normal Pulling 50s kubelet, g04c225 Pulling image "tensorflow/tensorflow:1.15.0-py3-jupyter"
Normal Pulled 24s kubelet, g04c225 Successfully pulled image "tensorflow/tensorflow:1.15.0-py3-jupyter"
Normal Created 19s kubelet, g04c225 Created container miner
Normal Started 18s kubelet, g04c225 Started container miner

The logs can be viewed to retrieve the Jupyter login token.

$ kubectl logs tensorflow-jupyter-6794bcb465-4czqb
WARNING: You are running this container as root, which can cause new files in
mounted volumes to be created as the root user on your host machine.

To avoid this, run the container by specifying your user's userid:

$ docker run -u $(id -u):$(id -g) args...

[I 14:09:12.985 NotebookApp] Writing notebook server cookie secret to /root/.local/share/jupyter/runtime/notebook_cookie_secret
[I 14:09:13.153 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /tf
[I 14:09:13.153 NotebookApp] The Jupyter Notebook is running at:
[I 14:09:13.153 NotebookApp] http://tensorflow-jupyter-6794bcb465-4czqb:8888/?token=a71eb39261e6ef01bdec8867c2c051b0b3aaf31545bfbb84
[I 14:09:13.153 NotebookApp] or

To get the public IP assigned to the service, simply list all services.

$ kubetl get service
tensorflow-jupyter LoadBalancer 8888:30947/TCP 30s

You can now access Jupyter on http://EXTERNAL-IP:8888 using the login token from the log.

Once logged into Jupyter, upload the gpt-2.ipynb from this repository.

Run the notebook, this will save the model for serving in /models, which is where the shared filesystem PWC is mounted.

You can now proceed to deploy the PVC based service.