AI Object Storage S3 Compatibility
These are the supported API features and calls for CoreWeave AI Object Storage. They allow users to store, manage, retrieve, and manipulate objects stored in buckets.
This list is subject to change as CoreWeave AI Object Storage develops.
often simplifies its process by mapping commands to multiple actions. For this reason, a single S3cmd command may map to multiple different required permissions.
S3 features
The CoreWeave AI Object Storage supports several features that allow users to manage their objects effectively. These features include:
For details about these features, usages, and available arguments, please see the AWS reference documentation, the S3 tools documentation, or the Boto3 Python SDK for AWS documentation.
These features are described in more detail below.
Signature V4
Every interaction with CoreWeave AI Object Storage is either authenticated or anonymous. This is version 4 of the authentication scheme used to sign requests. V4 is the default used by most setups. See the official Amazon documentation for more information.
Configure with AWS CLI
To use Signature V4 with the AWS CLI, set the configuration with aws
$aws configure set default.s3.signature_version s3v4
Configure with Boto3
To configure Signature V4 with Boto3, set signature_version = s3v4
in the config file.
Configure with S3Cmd
Signature V4 is the default for S3cmd.
Bucket lifecycle configuration
In order to manage their objects so that they're stored effectively throughout their lifecycle, users create a Bucket Lifecycle configuration. A Lifecycle configuration is a set of rules that define actions that CoreWeave AI Object Storage applies to a group of objects. See the AWS docs for more information.
Bucket policy
A JSON object that defines access to operations and specific objects inside the bucket it has been assigned to.
Read After Write consistency
Objects can be read immediately after writing with guaranteed consistency. This is the default behavior for CoreWeave AI Object Storage.
API calls
Each API call requires permission to perform one or more related actions, and those action names do not always match the API calls. Some API calls perform multiple actions that also require permission. For example, copying an object requires permission to perform both s3:PutObject
and s3:GetObject
Use the permission mapping below when planning bucket policies. See the Bucket Policy Reference for a complementary list of actions mapped to their associated API calls.
API call | Required action permission |
s3:AbortMultiPartUpLoad Stop an in-progress multi-part upload (MPU). No new parts may be uploaded to that MPU ID. Incomplete uploads are removed. | s3:AbortMultipartUpload |
s3:CompleteMultiPartUpLoad Complete a multi-part upload by listing all parts in the final object in ascending order. Any parts uploaded but not specified in this call are discarded. | s3:PutObject |
s3:CopyObject Copy an object in object storage. CoreWeave supports x-amz-copy-source-if-match and x-amz-copy-source-if-none-match headers for ETag matching. | s3:GetObject s3:PutObject |
s3:CreateBucket Create a bucket with a valid CoreWeave AI Object Storage access key. Anonymous requests are not allowed. The bucket creator becomes the owner. LocationConstraint must be supplied. | s3:CreateBucket |
s3:CreateMultiPartUpLoad Initiate a multi-part upload (MPU) and return an MPU ID, used to continue uploading parts via s3:UploadPart , finalize with s3:CompleteMultipartUpload , or stop with s3:AbortMultipartUpload . | s3:PutObject |
s3:DeleteBucket Delete a bucket, which must be completely empty without any object versions or delete markers. | s3:DeleteBucket |
s3:DeleteBucketLifeCycle Delete the lifecycle configuration from a bucket. | s3:DeleteLifecycleConfiguration |
s3:DeleteBucketPolicy Remove a bucket policy from a bucket. | s3:DeleteBucketPolicy |
s3:DeleteBucketTagging Delete tags from a bucket. | s3:DeleteBucketTagging |
s3:DeleteObject Remove an object, or specific version of an object, from a bucket. | s3:DeleteObject |
s3:DeleteObjects Delete up to 1000 objects per call. Quiet mode only returns errors, while verbose mode returns a response for every object. Objects not found return success . | s3:DeleteObject s3:DeleteObjectVersion |
s3:DeleteObjectTagging Remove all tags on an object. | s3:DeleteObjectTagging |
s3:GetBucketACL Return the access control list of a bucket. | s3:ListBucket |
s3:GetBucketLifecycleConfiguration Return the lifecycle configuration for a bucket. | s3:GetLifecycleConfiguration |
s3:GetBucketLocation Return the bucket's Region. | s3:GetBucketLocation |
s3:GetBucketPolicy Return the policy for a bucket. | s3:GetBucketPolicy |
s3:GetBucketTagging Get tags for a bucket. | s3:GetBucketTagging |
s3:GetBucketVersioning Get the versioning state for the bucket, or empty if versioning is not enabled. | s3:GetBucketVersioning |
s3:GetObject Retrieve an object. Anonymous GETS , Range reads, and ETag matching is supported. By default, the GET request will be cached when using the LOTA endpoint, however, the Cache-Control HTTP header may be used to alter the caching behavior of a GET request. Specifying no-cache (Cache-Control: no-cache ) alters the behavior such that other LOTA instances are still queried for the object, but the GET request is not cached. Using no-store (Cache-Control: no-store ) results in the object being retrieved directly, without other LOTA instances being queried, and the object is not cached. | s3:GetObject |
s3:GetObjectAcl Return the access control list of an object. | s3:GetObject |
s3:GetObjectAttributes Get the metadata of an specified object. | s3:GetObject |
s3:GetObjectTagging Return the set of tags associated with a bucket. | s3:GetObjectTagging |
s3:HeadBucket Determine if a bucket exists and you have permission to access it. The action returns a 200 OK if the bucket exists and you have permission to access it. Otherwise, the request returns 400 Bad Request , 403 Forbidden , or 404 Not Found . | s3:ListBucket |
s3:HeadObject Get the metadata for the specified object. | s3:GetObject |
s3:ListBuckets Returns a list of all buckets owned by the authenticated sender of the request. | s3:ListAllMyBuckets |
s3:ListObjectsV2 Lists up to 1000 objects in a bucket per call, with ability to use ContinuationToken in the response to list more than 1000 objects. | s3:ListBucket |
s3:ListObjectVersions Return metadata on all versions or subsets of an object. | s3:ListBucket |
s3:ListParts Lists the uploaded parts for a specific multi-part upload. | s3:ListMultipartUploadParts |
s3:ListMultiPartUploads List up to 1000 in-progress multi-part uploads for a given bucket. | s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads |
s3:PutBucketLifecycleConfiguration Create or replace a new lifecycle configuration for a bucket. This overwrites the previous configuration; it does not merge them. | s3:PutLifecycleConfiguration |
s3:PutBucketPolicy Apply the provided policy to a bucket. If no policy exists, access to create a new policy is granted if the user's Org ID matches the bucket's organization. | s3:PutBucketPolicy |
s3:PutBucketTagging Set up to 10 tags for a bucket. Keys are limited to 128 UTF-8 characters, while values are limited to 256 characters. | s3:PutBucketTagging |
s3:PutBucketVersioning Enable or suspend versioning for a bucket. Please note: if you have an object expiration lifecycle configuration in your non-versioned bucket and you want to maintain the same permanent delete behavior when you enable versioning, you must add another lifecycle rule to also remove noncurrent versions. | s3:PutBucketVersioning |
s3:PutObject Add an object to a bucket. The x-amz-meta and Expires headers are supported. | s3:PutObject |
s3:PutObjectTagging Set up to 10 tags on an object. | s3:PutObjectTagging |
s3:UploadPart Upload part of a multi-part upload that contains between 1 and 10,000 parts. A part number uniquely identifies each part and also defines its position within the object. If you reuse a part number, it overwrites the previously-uploaded part. Each part must be at least 5MB, except the last part. | s3:PutObject |
s3:UploadPartCopy Upload part of a multi-part upload, using an existing object as the source instead of providing new data. You may also specify a range for the copied object. | s3:GetObject |