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Cluster Components

Reference for the components within the CKS Managed Control Plane and Managed Data Plane

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Learn more about CKS cluster architecture.

Managed Control Plane

To ensure security and stability, CoreWeave provides a Managed Control Plane for CKS clusters.

Supported Kubernetes versions

CKS can create clusters with Kubernetes versions:

  • v1.28
  • v1.29, and
  • v1.30.

The default version for a new cluster is v1.29.

Managed Data Plane components

The CKS Managed Data Plane comes with several preinstalled components, which allow customers to start running workloads immediately after deploying their CKS cluster. These components are configurable to allow for the desired state of a CKS cluster.


Component image and API versions can change often. We update this page frequently, but the versions deployed to your cluster may be ahead of what's notated here.


calicocw-calico-system3.28.1Container Network Interface (CNI) that provides networking capabilities, including L3 advertisements of LoadBalancer Services.
ciliumcw-cilium-system1.16.1Cilium is an open-source Container Network Interface (CNI) that provides advanced networking capabilities and security enforcement using eBPF. See Concepts: Container Network Interface (CNI).
corednskube-system1.11.1A flexible DNS server. CoreDNS consists of multiple plugins that manage in-cluster DNS and resolve service records inside clusters.
konnectivity-agentkube-system0.30.3Isolates CKS control plane traffic from the cluster network and creates a TCP level proxy to konnectivity-server, which sits alongside the control plane to tunnel traffic from the control plane to in-cluster endpoints.
metallbcw-metallb-system0.13.4Handles IP Address Management (IPAM) for LoadBalancer services; is not used for advertisements. See How to: Expose a Service
multus-cnicw-multus-cni1.0.0-cwA secondary CNI used to conditionally attach secondary network interfaces to Pods.
node-local-dnskube-system1.22.28Improves cluster DNS performance and speeds up traffic between CoreDNS instances. The node-local-dns Pods run CoreDNS in local caching mode as a DaemonSet over TCP, avoiding dropped packets and reducing tail latency.

Cluster management

hpc-verificationhpc-verification1.8.0A series of verification tests that validate the CoreWeave server fleet is running in an optimal state.
jspolicyjspolicy-policies-<Org ID>-<cluster ID>, tenant-<Org ID>-<cluster ID>An admission controller that validates and mutates resources to ensure proper scheduling.
(Note: The JSPolicy workload runs as part of the Managed Control Plane, but the policies themselves are visible to customers in their clusters.)
node-problem-detectorcw-node-problem-detector1.5.0Framework for running health checks for each Node run as a DaemonSet. It allows CoreWeave to quickly identify Nodes that are misbehaving and mark them as Unschedulable.
nfdcw-nfd0.9.0Node Feature Discovery. Detects hardware features and labels Nodes accordingly for use in scheduling decisions.

Observability and security

prometheusmetrics2.50.1Collects metrics from inside the cluster and relays them to a logging solution.
prometheus-operatormetrics0.72.0Facilitates the deployment of Prometheus.
metrics-serverkube-system0.6.2An extension of the Kubernetes API that enables the collection of container resource metrics for autoscaling pipelines; required for kubectl top metrics.
eventroutercw-eventrouterConverts Kubernetes Events into forwardable log messages for long-term logging of cluster workloads.
node-pci-exportercw-node-pci-exporter1.5.0Extends the node-exporter running as part of the Prometheus stack, exposing additional metrics about deployed GPUs.
promtailcw-promtailmain-880de93-amd64Forwards logs for centralized viewing.


vast-csivast-csi2.3.1Container Storage Interface for Vast Storage.
pv-managementcw-pv-management1.2.2A Kubernetes controller manager that periodically runs to clean up any orphaned storage volumes.
lotacw-object-storageCoreWeave's Local Object Transfer Accelerator (LOTA) for AI Object Storage. Learn more.


k8s-device-pluginnvidia-device-plugin0.12.3NVIDIA's official device plugin for GPU-enabled containers in Kubernetes.