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SSH Server with CUDA

SSH server with root disk persistence useful for development and testing

In this example, a Linux container is deployed as an SSH server on a Pod. The container includes development tools, the CUDA Runtime, and cuDNN.

The Deployment allocates a single Pod with six GPUs. The Pod consists of two containers:

  • an initContainer, which copies the filesystem of the base image from ephemeral storage into a Persistent Volume on the server's first launch, and
  • an SSH server container, which mounts the Persistent Volume in place of ephemeral storage as its complete filesystem. This persists data and newly-installed applications, even if the Pod is rebooted, in the same way a Virtual Machine does.

Only the standard root-level directories and their children are persisted, such as /etc/*. Newly-created root-level directories, such as /MyApp, will still reside in ephemeral storage. The exact list of persistent root-level directories is defined in sshd-deployment.yaml in the volumeMounts stanza.


This guide presumes that the user has an active CoreWeave account and a corresponding namespace. The guide also presumes that kubectl is installed on the host machine. For more information, see Cloud Account and Access.

Example source code

To follow along, clone the GitHub repository containing the example manifests.


This walkthrough uses several different components, defined in the example source code repository.



The sshd application Deployment. The example Deployment in this guide also showcases some node affinity rules. These are purely for demonstration purposes - the entire affinity section may be removed without breaking the example. The Kubernetes control plane in CoreWeave Cloud reserves GPU, CPU and RAM resources on CoreWeaves compute nodes, and ensures that Deployments are continuously running.



A Kubernetes Service is included to demonstrate how to publish a Pod to the public Internet. The Service publishes the SSH server to the Internet by exposing port 22 of the server to handle incoming SSH connections.


Only port 22 is exposed on the server by default.


sshd-root-pvc.yaml and sshd-data-pvc.yaml

There are two Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs) included in this example's source code, sshd-root-pvc.yaml and sshd-data-pvc.yaml.

sshd-root-pvc houses critical runtime details, such as the OS install and installed programs, in high-performance storage, while sshd-data-pvc provides a larger, slower, decoupled storage space in order to isolate custom application data.

This decoupling of PVCs allows for SSD performance for critical programs and system files without tying the user to SSD pricing for all data. It also allows the Operating System and any other programs to be wiped, reinstalled, updated, and so forth, without destroying valuable data in the process.

In this example, a PVC is allocated to the Pod's root directories. The allocation is done via a Persistent Volume Claim defined in sshd-root-pvc.yaml, and requests 200Gi of SSD-backed storage.

storageClassName: block-nvme-ord1
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 200Gi

The volume claim is then mounted to the different root directories in the Deployment definition under the volumeMounts stanza.


The volumeMounts stanza defines the complete list of persistent, root-level directories.

Click to expand - The volumeMounts stanza (sshd-deployment.yaml)
- name: data-storage
mountPath: /mnt/data
- name: root-storage
mountPath: /bin
subPath: bin
- name: root-storage
mountPath: /boot
subPath: boot
- name: root-storage
mountPath: /etc
subPath: etc
- name: root-storage
mountPath: /home
subPath: home
- name: root-storage
mountPath: /lib
subPath: lib
- name: root-storage
mountPath: /lib64
subPath: lib64
- name: root-storage
mountPath: /opt
subPath: opt
- name: root-storage
mountPath: /root
subPath: root
- name: root-storage
mountPath: /sbin
subPath: sbin
- name: root-storage
mountPath: /srv
subPath: srv
- name: root-storage
mountPath: /usr
subPath: usr
- name: root-storage
mountPath: /var
subPath: var
- name: run-lock
mountPath: /run/lock

A separate, 500Gi HDD-backed Volume Claim is defined in sshd-data-pvc.yaml:

storageClassName: block-hdd-ord1
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 500Gi

It is also possible to define this volume as an NVMe volume.

This PVC is later mounted to the Pod defined in the Deployment at the mount path /mnt/data, as shown in this excerpt:

- name: data-storage
mountPath: /mnt/data

Utilizing Persistent Volumes, as is the case here, decouples storage from the Pod. This decoupling provides a tremendous benefit: ephemeral storage by comparison is very volatile. Even if a Pod restarts on the same node, its associated ephemeral storage is wiped before it finishes restarting. Decoupling storage from the Pod instead protects the data inside of it by ensuring any associated data survives a Pod restart, or even node failure.

Additional Resources

To learn more about storage, visit Get Started with Storage.

Apply all resources

To get started with this demo, first use kubectl to deploy all resources to your namespace. In the following steps, kubectl apply -f is used to target each resource's manifest in order to deploy it into the namespace.

# Create the persistent storage volumes
kubectl apply -f sshd-root-pvc.yaml -f sshd-data-pvc.yaml

# Create the SSH service along with its public IP
kubectl apply -f sshd-service.yaml

# Launch the SSH server
kubectl apply -f sshd-deployment.yaml

Next, kubectl rollout status is used to watch the progress of the SSH server's deployment.

kubectl rollout status deployment/sshd

Upload an SSH public key

Once the SSH Pod is running and the Service is up, a public SSH key must be uploaded onto the server for authentication. This can be done using the following kubectl exec command:

kubectl exec -i deployment/sshd -c sshd -- /bin/tee --append /root/.ssh/authorized_keys < ~/.ssh/

To use this command, a public SSH key must be present at ~/.ssh/ Alternatively, the path to the key may be adjusted to provide a key that is located elsewhere. If there is not an SSH public key available on the system, use ssh-keygen to create one at this default path.

Get the Service's public IP address

The following filtered kubectl get service command may be used to acquire the public IP address of the Service. This address is used as the target address for SSH.

kubectl get service/sshd -o 'jsonpath=service/sshd public IP: {.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}{"\n"}'

Or, to view the IP address alongside the rest of the Service's information, use kubectl get service/sshd.

kubectl get service/sshd

sshd LoadBalancer 22/TCP 28m

The public IP (EXTERNAL-IP) is allocated for the life of the Service. This address will not change unless the Service is deleted.

Acquire the host key fingerprint

When connecting over SSH, it is important to verify that the host key presented while connecting matches the one on the deployed server, or the security of the connection will be compromised.

To display the deployed server's host key fingerprints for manual comparison, run the following kubectl exec command:

kubectl exec deployment/sshd -c sshd -- find /etc/ssh -type f -name 'ssh_host_*' -exec ssh-keygen -lf '{}' ';'

Alternatively, to add the correct host key directly to the current user's SSH known_hosts file and have SSH validate it automatically, run the following command:

kubectl get service/sshd -o 'jsonpath={.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}' | kubectl exec -i deployment/sshd -c sshd -- sh -c 'export IP=$(cat -) && ssh-keyscan localhost | sed -e "s/localhost/${IP}/g"' >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts

Connect to the Service

At last, connect to the Service using ssh:


The following demonstrates a successful SSH connection to a demo server, and the output of the ls and nvidia-smi commands.

As is also demonstrated here, PyTorch is pre-installed with the container base image, and can be used immediately.

ssh [email protected]

root@sshd-demo:~# ls /mnt/data

root@sshd-demo:~# python -c 'import torch; print(torch.cuda.device_count())'

root@sshd-demo:~# nvidia-smi
Mon Jun 12 21:02:14 2023
| NVIDIA-SMI 525.105.17 Driver Version: 525.105.17 CUDA Version: 12.0 |
| GPU Name Persistence-M| Bus-Id Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
| Fan Temp Perf Pwr:Usage/Cap| Memory-Usage | GPU-Util Compute M. |
| | | MIG M. |
| 0 NVIDIA RTX A5000 On | 00000000:01:00.0 Off | Off |
| 42% 31C P8 15W / 230W | 66MiB / 24564MiB | 0% Default |
| | | N/A |
| 1 NVIDIA RTX A5000 On | 00000000:25:00.0 Off | Off |
| 44% 32C P8 15W / 230W | 66MiB / 24564MiB | 0% Default |
| | | N/A |
| 2 NVIDIA RTX A5000 On | 00000000:41:00.0 Off | Off |
| 41% 30C P8 18W / 230W | 66MiB / 24564MiB | 0% Default |
| | | N/A |
| 3 NVIDIA RTX A5000 On | 00000000:61:00.0 Off | Off |
| 40% 29C P8 18W / 230W | 89MiB / 24564MiB | 0% Default |
| | | N/A |
| 4 NVIDIA RTX A5000 On | 00000000:81:00.0 Off | Off |
| 40% 30C P8 17W / 230W | 66MiB / 24564MiB | 0% Default |
| | | N/A |
| 5 NVIDIA RTX A5000 On | 00000000:A1:00.0 Off | Off |
| 40% 29C P8 19W / 230W | 66MiB / 24564MiB | 0% Default |
| | | N/A |

| Processes: |
| GPU GI CI PID Type Process name GPU Memory |
| ID ID Usage |


This setup may be used as a simple Linux machine. Applications and libraries may be installed that will persist on restart. Please note that the following is not possible in this setup:

  • Running Docker images. Docker images need to be run as their own Deployments, Pods or Jobs. If you need to run Docker images for development from inside an SSH container, please contact support.
  • Run systemd services. There is no systemd running in the container.

For a full Virtual Machine experience, see Get Started with Virtual Servers.